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Golden Brush Award

Golden Brush Award

Robert Cook, my favorite make up artist was awarded the most prestigious award that can be bestowed by Lancôme cosmetics and skin care. The award was presented to him in the Mecca of Lancôme in Paris, France.  He was chosen out of over one hundred other international make up artist from all over the world. […]

Stranger Than Fiction: “And They Shall Take Up Serpents”

Stranger Than Fiction: “And They Shall Take Up Serpents”

On a Sunday evening, men and women gather in the home of a fellow Christian to praise God and give thanks for the blessings in their lives. When all the members have arrived, they quietly retire to a room in the basement of the home for church services. They must be careful and not attract […]

Benefits of Aloe Plants

I was recently gifted an aloe plant from my neighbor, who swears that it is great for burns. After a little kitchen accident where I ended up with a burned finger, I broke off a stem of the plant. It smelled really bad! Is this normal or is something wrong with my plant? Complaints about […]

Engage Children’s Brains During Summer

Engage Children’s Brains During Summer

Teachers spend the first four to eight weeks every fall reviewing and reteaching material that students have forgotten during the summer break. Some students actually lose reading and math skills during the summer.  Research has proven that students who continue to learn during the summer, score better on standardized tests than peers, who do not […]

Same Old Delima

Summer is here… weather and all.  Even though it is not officially summer, school is out, Memorial Day has past… and for me that means summer! I’m just a little worried this summer!  As we all know, summer means vacation… and vacation for my family means the beach!  Yes, each summer, we all enjoy a […]

The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy

The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy

Finally, I have found a book that combines two of my favorite things in life, philosophy and The Big Bang Theory. In William Irwin and Dean Kowalski’s The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Aristotle, Locke, the characters and theories introduced in the beloved television show The Big Bang Theory are examined from […]

Summer Hair Styles

Summer Hair Styles

Hello, Darlings. Summer 2013 is unofficially here and it is time for us fashionistas to update our hair. I must admit that some of the popular styles for this summer are much more appealing to me than others are. I am not a huge fan of the wet head look, but there is a time […]


While surfing the web, I came across a site about MoonPies.  Wow, did it bring back memories!  When I was a kid MoonPies were considered a treat.  Whether eaten whole, or taking the top off and eating the marshmallow center first, it was always delicious! There’s just something about a MoonPie. It’s hard to find […]

Healthy Foods

Healthy Foods

According to the CDC, most U.S. children consume a large portion of their daily food intake at school, and competitive food sources (à la carte, vending, school stores) compete with federally regulated school meals, often offering foods and beverages high in calories, sugar, sodium, and fat.  In 2007, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), which advises […]

Stranger Than Fiction: The Deadly Wolf Peach

Stranger Than Fiction: The Deadly Wolf Peach

Throughout the 18th century and early in the 19th century, most Americans and Europeans believed the tomato was poisonous. Many thought they were pretty o behold and were useful as adornments in gardens but the acidic juices contained within the tomato, commonly referred to as the wolf peach, was highly toxic and would cause stomach […]

J. R. R. Tolkien’s: The Silmarillion

J. R. R. Tolkien’s: The Silmarillion

As a huge fan of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings series, I felt as though I must review The Silmarillion, now that I finally have had a chance to read the book (major thanks to the friend who lent me their copy!). The Silmarillion is often referred to as “the Bible […]

Tick Explosion?

I know that it is early in the season, but I have already found three ticks on my children and a couple on our cat. I was wondering if this is a particularly bad tick season or if we have just been unlucky. Actually, the tick population has been increasing over the last decade or […]

Childhood Nutrition

Childhood Nutrition

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines For Americans published by the CDC states that eating behaviors of young people are not healthy creating concern about the health of the children now, as well as in their future. With data from their research, the CDC has made the following statements and recommendations. Nutrition Facts Adolescents drink more full-calorie […]

Different Languages

Different Languages

I was trying to explain teenage boys to a group of teenage girls last week, and I had a startling revelation.  From a girl’s perspective, teenage boys are like goats who think they’re wolves.  Consider this: they follow you around (if you’re a teenage girl), they have a few wispy hairs on their chins, and […]

Graduation Smiles

Graduation Smiles

Hello darlings, graduation, as I am sure so many of you  have experienced, is a bittersweet  experience for parents, grandparents , siblings and all family members. This landmark event tugs at one’s heart strings through the child’s life. Graduation from kindergarten to first grade makes one realize a serious step into childhood and coming to […]

Mosquito Season

I have heard that this is going to be a really bad mosquito season and I have already found a few in our house. What is the best mosquito repellant for me and my husband, as well as my children? There are several fairly reliable mosquito repellants on the market but not all are appropriate […]