Jefferson County School Board Makes Formal Resolution Opposing Education Freedom Scholarship Act

Local Republican Party and Grassroots Organization Join Fight The Tennessee Conservative [By David Seal] – In a 7-0 slam-dunk vote, the Jefferson County School Board sent a strong message to the Tennessee General Assembly that its proposed Education Freedom Scholarship Act is unacceptable and should not be enacted. Action was taken on the resolution Monday night, January 27th in […]
VITAL POLICY – Focus on Jefferson County CTE Education, Business Management and Accounting

Part Two Of Two Teresa Adams is distinguished by 28 years teaching experience in the Business Management and Accounting Department at Jefferson County High School, one of three highly qualified instructors within the business cluster of CTE courses. Adams, the senior faculty member of her department, shares the responsibility of teaching a variety of courses […]
VITAL POLICY – Focus on Jefferson County CTE Education, Business Management and Accounting

Part One Of Two Wall Street could travel to Dumplin Valley and take a page from the Business Management and Accounting Department playbook in the CTE Program at Jefferson County High School. They would find a group of students learning some of the most valuable skills in the business world from the best teachers in […]
VITAL POLICY – Jefferson County School Board Takes Three Steps to Break Jefferson Elementary School Stalemate

For the past few years, a majority of Jefferson County Commissioners have been asking for two simple things related to Jefferson Elementary School, a cost estimate on remodel and a cost estimate on the so-called Ibbetson Pod Plan to relocate students out of the current Jefferson Elementary School, and potentially add a new classroom pod […]
Jefferson County Commission Leads Way on State Sovereignty

Tennessee State Senator Janice Bowling (R-Tullahoma) wants legislators to put their money where their mouth is by passing a bill aimed at creating a set of legal pathways for the citizens of Tennessee, or legislators, to exercise their authority to nullify certain federal overreach. She discussed this important issue at the Warren County Republican Party […]
VITAL POLICY – Tennessee Legislature Reforms Eminent Domain Code To Protect Property Rights

Recently published in the Tennessee Conservative News, submitted for publication in the Jefferson County Post Two bills that significantly limit the power of government in Tennessee to forcefully take property by eminent domain have been signed into law by Governor Lee. Jefferson County’s state legislative delegation was key to the process. One act, Public Chapter 748, requires […]
VITAL POLICY – TWRA Snooping Case Decided by Tennessee Court of Appeals

TWRA got caught snooping and planting surveillance cameras on private property in Benton County, Tennessee with no court ordered warrant and without permission from the landowners. Property owners Terry Rainwaters and Hunter Hollingsworth sued the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) in April 2020 asking the court for a judgment declaring that Defendants’ warrantless searches of […]
VITAL POLICY – Successful Legislation Creates New Opportunity for Homeschool Athletes in Tennessee, Bill Originated in Jefferson County

Back in 2013, the Tennessee General Assembly created legislation to provide opportunities for homeschool students to participate in public school sports. The intent was to provide all homeschool students with access to organized public-school sports that would not otherwise be available. However, some public-school systems and their attorneys found a legal loophole to exclude some […]
VITAL POLICY – Opinion – Tourism, a Gift to Jefferson County, Tennessee and It’s Economy, an Economic Resource Worthy of Encouragement

Jefferson County, Tennessee has a gift that few other places in our state have. That gift is a combination of natural beauty, proximity to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, a rich history that dates to the beginning of our nation, and wonderful friendly residents. If you were to pinpoint a place on the map […]
VITAL POLICY – Jefferson County Schools Not Advising Parents That District’s Mental Health Contractor is LGBTQ+ Affirming Before Students Are Counseled

Two questions were presented to Jefferson County Director of Schools. QUESTION: “Are parents advised BY THE JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM that Allied Behavioral Health Solutions is fully affirming of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (+) BEFORE they consent for their children to be counseled by Allied Behavioral Health Solutions?” ANSWER by Director of Jefferson County […]
VITAL POLICY – Opinion – Consequences of Unchecked and Unlawful Immigration, Rally Scheduled at Tennessee Capitol

If I set out on a pilgrimage to leave the United States and move to another nation, I would learn to speak the language of that nation and abide by the laws of their government set forth for legal immigration. My goal would be to contribute and become a productive member of their society by […]
VITAL POLICY – Faison and Niceley Propose Legislation to Expand Access to Public School Sports for Homeschool Students

Homeschool families in Jefferson County who wish for their middle school children to participate in public school sports would get the green light if proposed legislation by Representative Jeremy Faison (R-Cosby) and Senator Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plains) finds favor with the legislature. “The benefits of organized sports go well beyond physical skills and are vitally […]
VITAL POLICY – Jefferson County’s Debt Examined, An Analysis of Our Collective Credit Card Payments and Wheel Tax

Our collective county credit card is broken up between what is called “County Debt” and “Nursing Home Debt” and “Landfill Debt.” There is a distinction between them because the nursing home and landfill pays their own debt payments from their own revenue. The county taxpayers’ foot the bill directly for all other county debt. This […]
Jefferson County Commission Takes Bold Stance Calling For Repeal Of Governor’s “Emergency Powers” Statute

By David Seal [Special to The Tennessee Conservative] – Previously published in The Tennessee Conservative Jefferson County Commission has stated its expectation that Tennessee government operate within constitutional boundaries with special emphasis on the executive branch. This expectation was recently expressed in Resolution 2023-47. In calendar year 2000 when the Tennessee legislature was controlled by […]