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The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “broken.” Points and counterpoints were the order of the day but poking the hornet’s nest will nearly always get a stinging response. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that sky high and triple wide could mean another dip into the honey jar. The low humm says that playing […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “bogus.” Pollination problems were flying as the budgeting hive gave a look see over department have to bees and wanna bees. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that it could bee back to the chopping block if there are tons of difference in the $$. The low humm […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “outrageous.” Pollination pondering was the problem of the week as the budgeting hive convened. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that some in the swarm were less than pleased with the post pollination expostulating. The low humm is that slipping by with two and a half fingers of […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “pork.” The DOE hive met this week and questions were flying. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that finding a little extra ham on the hock could bee more creative than coincidence. The low humm is that fuzzy funds are opening a nest of nasty in the swarm. […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “balanced.” The budgeting hive convened and made a pollination proclamation that left some outside the swarm as confounded as a gnat in a ceiling fan. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that deep cuts could bee even deeper than most of the drones imagine. The low humm is […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “non-refundable.” The DOE hive met this week and took a peek at the pollination level for half the hive’s needs. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that there are 58,000 reasons that the peek won’t pass and that even one small dip will meet with a stinging reception. […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “imploding.” Spring has sprung but you would think it is fall, because the drones in the head governmental hive are already working on a plan. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that the swarm is splitting in some interesting ways. The low humm is that crossing agendas are […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “buoyancy.” The head governmental hive will meet this week and some interesting things will bee on the table. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that deep cuts could bee on the agenda this season and that some departmental hives have already been told pollination will be at a […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week was “retreat.” One wing of the head governmental hive braved the snow to hold their first meeting. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that tensions ran high from gavel to gavel and it appeared more like a cross swarm smack down than meeting of the minds. The low humm […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “damper.” Ice and snow had the demi nests of the head governmental hive on hiatus. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that all may not bee as it seems with one chilly situation. The low humm is that questionable actions in questionable situations have raised the antennas of […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week was “boundaries.” The DOE hive met this week and the “r” word was buzzing around. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that the situation in The Pines could bee divisive in the hive. The low humm is that the renovation budget is more absorbent than brawny. The low, low […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is management. This week the buzz is more about action than reaction. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that a early valentines gift has more to do with pulling the lever than pulling the heartstrings. The low humm is that getting the spit and shine has caused a waspish […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is taxation. The County hive is still buzzing about doubling down on the wheel tax. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that more may bee on the way. The low humm is that the black hole could bee growing soon with other requests from the DOE hive. The low, […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “encumbered.” The head governmental hive met to ponder the pollination problems and result had many as mad as a hornet. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that the waspish response could bee more than the swarm expected and it is making giving the nod risky in some neighborhoods. […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “broke.” The head governmental hive met this week and the bottom line has some as confused as a yellow jacket in a spring blizzard. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that the drones will have to look up to see the bottom of the honey jar and the […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “revisit.” The head governmental hive will meet this week and the recent numbers could be a sticky point for the hive. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that the bottom line could bee shaky on a couple of issues. The low humm is that the calculator batteries are […]