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The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is lineup. The DOE hive met to give the wanna bees the once over. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that descending order is raising the antennas of some in the head governmental hive. The low humm says that the numbers could bee sticky. The low, low humm is […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “terse.” The DOE hive convened and it was a sticky conversation. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that watching the bottom line is could bee the dividing line that separates the yeas and nays. The low humm is that big differences can make for cold bedfellows. The low, […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is busted. The Doe hive is loving their new nest but the honey jar may bee in shock after the changing of the calender. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that a push for a mass exodus may not bee what the DOE has in mind. The low humm […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week was “reworked.” The head governmental hive convened this week and the swarm was in high form. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that one demi group received a waspish reception from at least one drone. The low humm is that a potential exodus could bee a factor in the […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “frozen.” The head governmental hive will meet this week and the swarm will bee looking at putting some pollination in the deep freeze. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that a six figure push from one could bee the stinger in the mix. The low, humm is that […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “smelly.” The head governmental hive will convene this week and it should bee a quieter day for the swarm. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that a exodus is the next big sting on the horizon. The low humm is that a moldy situation may bee the door […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “judgment.” With eyes on the changing of the time and the season, it could bee that change is a low hanging hornet’s nest locally. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that some in the swarm are seeing horizontal and not liking the view. The low humm is that […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week was “undeniable.” The head governmental hive met not once, but twice this week. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that the swarm is happy that their plans found wings. The low humm is that revisiting a nest of nasty has been given the no go from one behind the […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “resume.” The head governmental hive will return to the nest, not once, but twice this week and Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that one agenda item has some in and outside the swarm in a rather waspish mood. The low humm is that for very different reasons […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “decisions.” This will bee a down week, as the head governmental hive gears up for double duty as they swarm the nest twice in one week. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that all seems quite in the hive following the re-crowning of the hive’s King Bee but […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “pause.” Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that sending out for drawings is getting a sketchy response from some in the swarm. The low humm is that this a been there done that and some are a little waspish on dribbling more pollination when the plans are in […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week was “hidden.” The head governmental hive convened and the swarm was in form. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that it was the empty seats raising the antennas with the hive. The low humm is that timely texting could bee the explanation for some timely entrances. The low, low […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “alignment.” The head governmental hive met last week and there was a lot of flapping of wings but not much taking flight, as the swarm convened for take two. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that a few of the drones are looking for a seat on the […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “resurgence.” The head governmental hive will return to the nest this week and the swarm will likely bee in rare form. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that one agenda item in particular is likely to open up another(continuing) nest of nasty. The low humm is that at […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week was “shocking.” News bees were buzzing this week about an unauthorized dip into the honey jar. Buzzy Bees in the know were buzzing that a hat trick of sticky fingers has the magnifying glass trained on the local hive. The low humm is that questionable activities combined with the circling […]

The Buzzz!!

The Buzzz!!

The buzz word this week is “correspondence.” Legal eagles were flying around this week and their attention was to the letter. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that at least one drone may bee using the scales of justice to balance out the bleeding. The low, humm is that more could bee at play […]